Sunday, May 27, 2007

Friday night in July

Hello all, I have just found out that on the Friday night of our reunion, Dighton has their annual parade. I am asking one of my brothers to provide us with a trailer so that we can ride in the parade as a group. Please bring along a lawn chair. We will ride the float out to the fair grounds and then we can spend the evening there visiting with each other and our families can play.
If you have any great ideas for decorating our float let me know.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Final Plans and time to register

It is time to finalize our plans. Our reunion is set for July 13, 14, & 15th. Please return the enclose envelope and registration information to me by June 12, 2007 so that we can finalize our plans and order food for Saturday night.
Friday evening we hope to have a location for those who have made it to town to have an opportunity to visit, more info will come on a location. Saturday afternoon I have made arrangements for the High School to be open from 2 to 4 p.m. We will be able to tour the building and then spend time visiting. On Saturday night we will be eating at the American Legion. We will meet at 6:00 and eat between 6:30 and 7:00. We will have the room until 10:00 that evening. We are offering a choice from 3 different items for your meal that evening. If you want a drink you will have to order it from the bar at your own cost.
Top Boneless Sirloin (8 oz.) $10.95
K-Bob (with sirloin, mushrooms, pineapple, onion, & peppers) $10.95
Two Boneless Chicken Breasts (marinated and char-broiled with dinner salad or cottage cheese.) $7.50
Soft Drinks are $1.00 ea. Coffee or tea is $ .75 ea.
Steak dinner with drink, tax, and 20% tip has been rounded up to $15.00 per person
Chicken dinner with drink, tax, and 20% tip has been rounded up to $11.00 per person.

On Sunday we will plan on having a family BBQ at the park around 11:30. We will plan on grilling hotdogs, chips, pop, tea, and brownies. We will also provide the plates, cups, and silverware, buns and condiments. Cost for this will be $3.50 per person. We would encourage anyone who wants to bring a side dish to this event to do so.

I would also like to ask each of you to consider making a $2.00 to $5.00 donation to help cover printing, mailing and other additional costs of organizing this reunion.

Please make Checks payable to the Class of 1977 Reunion Committee in care of me. I am enclosing a stamped and addressed R.S.V.P. letter and envelope for the weekend. I will also be including a questionnaire about us. These will be used in our program on Saturday night. Even if you will not be able to be there with us, we hope that you will fill out the questionnaire and let us know about you. We are sooooooooooo looking forward to seeing everyone in July.

Celia, Janette, Pam, Karen, And Mary in Spirit

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